TDI Board President Sheila Conlon-Mentkowski hosted her biennial President’s Reception on Thursday August 15, 2019 during the TDI Conference. The Board President uses this event to share the organization’s accomplishments, future goals, financial health, and other TDI-related news with TDI members, industry and government representatives.

Audience of people, approximately 50, seated watching someone off camera. Several dozen people in the background standing

Some of TDI’s notable achievements for the year 2017-2019 were: over three dozen FCC filings; TDI’s 50th Anniversary Gala; countless policy meetings; and ten publications.

Audience perceptive photo: 10 people seated all facing an elderly white woman standing on stage

The reception marks the end of Conlon-Mentkowski’s term on the TDI Board President, as well as her Presidential role. She announced during her remarks that the baton has been passed to Jan Withers, southeast regional TDI Board member. Ms. Withers is the director of the Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing within the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

The 2019-2021 TDI Board leadership team are: President Jan Withers of NC, Vice President John Kinstler of Wisconsin, Secretary Mark Seeger of Texas, and Treasurer CM Boryslawskyj of Connecticut. Additionally, Jim House of Washington state was welcomed as the new West regional board member, replacing Sheila Conlon-Mentkowski.

In closing, Sheila and Jarvis Grindstaff (outgoing TDI Board Member at large) were given appreciation plaques for their years of service.

Two white women with white hair standing next to each other holding a plaque with TDI logo and text.