• Consumer Groups support Sprint’s request for the FCC to clarify or reconsider its approach to allowing and evaluating IP-CTS applications using automatic speech recognition (ASR).
  • Our perspective is consistent with the record of support for Sprint’s petition from Hamilton Relay and CaptionCall, LLC.
  • The Commission should articulate and adopt a technology-neutral framework for certifying IP CTS providers that seeks notice and comment and ensures the quality, privacy, and reliability of new offerings.

TDI filed reply comments on Sprint’s petition for clarification and reconsideration regarding Internet Protocol – Captioned Telephone Services (IP-CTS). The following Consumer Groups signed onto TDI’s comments: AADB, ALDA, CCASDHH, CPADO, DHHCAN, DHH-RERC, DSA, HLAA, IT-RERC, and NAD.

TDI understands that ASR is an attractive cost-saving technology that is rapidly becoming accepted by the general public. However, we strongly believe it should not be used in Captioning Telephone relay service until ASR fully meets the quality, privacy, and reliability equivalency as its existing counterparts.

Read our full filing on FCC’s ECFS.
