With a New Legal Name, New Address, Same TDI! TDI has been busy! Based on recommendations from our legal advisors, the TDI Board voted to move our business registration from Indiana to Delaware. In May 2023, we filed our Articles of Incorporation with the State of Delaware.
New Legal Name
Due to this change, we have updated our legal entity from Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. to TDIforAccess, Inc. The former business name confused many because most online services do not allow a title this long. This resulted in frequently truncated names depending on their name length policies. So we had to keep track of several variations of the full name. We investigated the possibility of using “TDI” as our legal name but, that name was not available in Delaware. TDIforAccess, Inc. appeared as the perfect fit mirroring our website URL. It additionally captures both the historical name, (TDI) and our overall purpose (Access).
New Address
Additionally, we decided to move our mailing address to Delaware. With this move, we will use a mail forwarding service instead of a USPS PO Box. This mail forwarding service is more flexible and allows the mail to be delivered quicker.
We filed a forwarding request with the USPS to forward our mail from our Maryland PO Box. Yet, there have been some reports of returned mail. We apologize for any inconvenience that this might have caused you. We feel that the new forwarding service will avoid these problems in the future.
Same TDI
FYI, it will take time to transition to the new name and we will be using both TDI and Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. as DBAs (doing business as) in some situations. Our website remains www.tdiforaccess.org and you may continue to reach us at [email protected].
Rest assured that TDI is still advocating for access for you.
New Legal Name, New Address, Same TDI.
TDIforAccess, Inc.
1207 Delaware Ave #2212
Wilmington, DE 19806

Join us at TDI, Become a Member Today
TDI represents 48 million Americans who have some degree of hearing loss.
We welcome all members of the deaf and hard of hearing community (DHH): deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, deafblind, lip-readers, cued-users, veterans with hearing loss, senior citizens, and deafdisabled. This includes those having additional sensory, mobility, cognitive, or other communication disabilities.
TDI represents the entire DHH community with one goal. To ensure every person has equitable access to the nation’s telephone, cable, television, radio, and broadband networks. Join us and become a member today: http://www.tdiforaccess.org/membership/